Men Who Have Experienced Shrinkage

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Shrinkage after a workout!

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i don't know about you but I know for sure that after a good workout i'll shrink up like I was in a cold lake!! I wasn't impressing anyone at the gym after a workout! I usually would jump in the hot shower or sauna for a bit and get the blood flowing again before I was back to a good relaxed size, but it took a little time. Now I workout at home naked and it's easy to see how bad it shrinks. Do you guys have the same problem? Maybe it's just me

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RE:Shrinkage after a workout!

I run several nude 5ks a year (at various temps and locations) and always experience shrinkage. All the blood runs to the legs and lungs I guess.
Relaxing by the pool or in the hot tub afterwards brings everything back into proportion though.

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RE:Shrinkage after a workout!

I very much agree about the effects of running distances like a 5K. Homo sapiens was built to run long distances, and part of the design is to keep the penis at its smallest and the testicles close to the groin. Flapping hardons and low hangers would very much impede your speed. And cost you your life on the open savannah!

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RE:Shrinkage after a workout!

I like the idea of a before and after workout penis size comparison. It's like majgic!

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RE:Shrinkage after a workout!

I have exactly the same problem which although natural is quite unpleasant I am not talking about the aesthetic point of view! but while I do my exercises I feel my penis shrink I don't know if uncircumcised people have the same feeling

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RE:Shrinkage after a workout!

excellent photo! Thanks for sharing this. Great smile too by the way

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RE:Shrinkage after a workout!

The same happens to me. Especially when younger and did sports - after games in locker room was the worst

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RE:Shrinkage after a workout!

imagine being so obsessed with your genitals that this is even an issue?

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RE:Shrinkage after a workout!

i don't know about you but I know for sure that after a good workout i'll shrink up like I was in a cold lake!! I wasn't impressing anyone at the gym after a workout! I usually would jump in the hot shower or sauna for a bit and get the blood flowing again before I was back to a good relaxed size, but it took a little time. Now I workout at home naked and it's easy to see how bad it shrinks. Do you guys have the same problem? Maybe it's just me

One of the true joys of nudism for me has been that whereas this might have been a concern for me a long time ago, and more recently something I might have felt self conscious about if it was pointed out or mocked, now, it just doesn't matter to me at all. But the physiological reason for this is that the workout expands the muscle fibres in your largest muscle groups (thats the whole point of lifting) and immediately afterwards, your muscles are holding far more blood than they did before you started, and you have sweat out water, and dehydrated a bit which has the result of increased volume for less liquid and all the extra blood and fluids are being directed to the muscles worked out and that means from the core area which includes the system that regulates your penis. That's the reason all those heroic Greek statues of athletes have small members, the artistic principle of realism was very much adhered to, if you were engaged in very strenuous physical exertion or had just engaged in such, you would display that accordingly... and in a statue like "the drunken faun", you see the opposite, but the message being sent is one of moral disapproval and this was meant to be a direct statement of what was not considered heroic, or noble or good in Greek society. Your body is doing exactly what it is supposed to do, and what is very much normal. Rehydrate, cool down slowly after a workout, and have a warm shower after cooldown, and everything will come back into what you are used to as "regular".

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RE:Shrinkage after a workout!

I'm really prone to shrinkage in lots of situations, after exercise for sure, particularly cycling makes mine vanish. I do open water swimming and after a swim in a cold lake as you can imagine there's not much to see when I come out.

Mine shrinks when I'm nervous or in a fight/flight adrenaline rush too. When I was newer to being naked with others I found I'd shrink to my smallest when I first got naked, sometimes this still happens, as if it's my body subconsciously knowing I'm in a more vulnerable state and acting accordingly. In these cases it doesn't usually last too long assuming it's not too cold!

The adrenaline shrinkage is very noticeable just before I have a wax, when I drop my pants for that my little guy has usually all but vanished inside, as if my penis knows what's about to happen lol

I've noticed over time that not all guys seem to react in the same way, everyone suffers shrinkage to a degree but some of us more than others. Having spent some time in European spas certainly not all guys are affected by the cold plunge as I always am!

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RE:Shrinkage after a workout!

Do quite a bit of nude running and defo get this. Never makes for a flattering pic either!

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