Military/Exmilitary Nudists

Open to all active duty and former military persons who served in a military branch. Who enjoy being nude whenever, wherever and with whomever they can be. Past, Present and Future. SempreFi.

Im ex RAN 25 years, didnt do much around South East Asia just the usual, spent some time in the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Mediterranean.
Seen a lot of fascinating places and even more shit holes in that part of the world but only one place Id go back too, Greece.
Started out as a QMG until there were no more real guns left then changed over to MW but by 2004 Id had enough of over educated children trying to tell me my job, so after telling my boss that hed eat his own young to further his career it was time for me to go, do I miss the service ? Im old Navy so what do you think.


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