Natural And Naked Activities

This group is about showing or describing you in the exercise of normal everyday activities, e.g. when gardening, cleaning or cooking, hiking or jogging, ... It is not the goal to show perfectly staged photos or to write perfect essays. They should only show the others what we as naturists / nudists do naked. Everyone, who chooses this group, participates actively by writing texts or publishing...

Photos of our Natural And Naked Activities

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I hope this OK. I thought it might be a nice idea if we shared our photos of naked activities in a discussion thread, then every member can see all of the photos, rather than just the most recent six photos added to the groups media files.

These photos are of me gardening naked, picking some beans and lettuce leaves to eat. I love being nude in the garden, it feels so right to be naturally naked among all of the plants, birds, animals and insects.

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