New Nudist

For anyone just starting out home alone or whever into nudism that wants to share his or her fears, expeiences, etc. I am also inviting anyone who wants a FRIEND to chat with Clothes or Whatever on the SUBJECT. I was a NewBie Last Year and had a few great friends on Yahoo Chat help me relaxe & got me over my fears. If you want to Yahoo Chat IMme at ChiGuy168 on Yahoo all I ask is that you have a...

Im an indoor nudist.But tomorrow I will go to a nudist beach and try to get naked. I have a large body and small penis.That is what is holding me back from going nude outside.I hope I will be able to get naked.I will go by myself.Any Suggestions?

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RE: shy Nudist.

nudism isn't a beauty contest so it doesn't matter what type of body or penis you have. all body types are beautiful when naked and a true nudist would never judge you anyway

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RE: shy Nudist.

There is nothing to be ashamed of. Being nude is a lifestyle, not a beauty contest. Nudists come in all shapes and sizes, don't be afraid of someone ridiculing you, it won't happen at nude beach. You will find nudists friendly and accepting bunch. Get naked and have FUN!

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