North Carolina Male Nudists

Just a group for male nudists to exchange info and chat, and meet up for nude gatherings..must have a photo to share, or what is the point? Sandyguy45

A warning for those who love naked time in...

Just want to let everyone know that loves the OBX and loves naked time on the beach in the areas between Oregon Inlet and Rodanthe, there is a new US Fish and Wildlife officer that has been there about a year and he is out to ruin your day. And...

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Bartram Trail Hikes - May 14th and 15th

Two hikes planned on the Bartram Trail near Robbinsville, NC. Monday, May 14th - 10.5 Miles Tuesday, May 15th - 12.7 Miles Join us!

Benton MacKaye Trail Hike - May 13th

Planning a hike on the Benton MacKaye Trial in north Georgia for Sunday the 13th of May. This will be a 12.7 mile hike and is rated easy to moderate. The hike will take place near Cherry Log, Ga. Plan on spending 7 hours on the trail. We will be...

Headed to Boone in April

Headed to Boone in April with a buddy for some wife get a way time. Know of any air-bnb's that might also have a hot tub?

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Bartram Trail Hikes - November 8 & 9

Join us for hikes on the Bartram Trail in North Carolina. The hikes will be on Wednesday, Novemmber 8 (12.9 miles) and Thursday, November 9 (10.8 miles). The hikes will be moderate and will be just to the west of Franklin, North Carolina

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Any suggestions for a place to hangout this upcoming weekend?

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Sept. 25th - Benton MacKaye Trail hike

Strenuous 11.6 mile hike planned for the Benton MacKaye Trail near Blue Ridge, Georgia.

August 16 & 17 - Hikes near Clayton Georgia.

Planned two hikes in the Chattahocchee National Forest. Approximatly 9 miles each. Come join us.

August 13th - Benton MacKaye Hike - North...

Hike planned for the Benton MacKaye Trail. This is a 12.2 mile section that is rated as strenuous. Let me know if you'd like to join us.

Hikes Near Clayton, Georgia - July 27 & 28

We will be doing two hikes near Clayton, Georgia this month. Both hikes will be 9.5 mile hikes on a well blazed trail. The hikes will require a shuttle as these will be one way hikes. They should be considered easy to moderate in difficulty. We will...