North Carolina Male Nudists

Just a group for male nudists to exchange info and chat, and meet up for nude gatherings..must have a photo to share, or what is the point? Sandyguy45

Douthat State Park, VA / 3-Day BACKPACK / June 20-22, 2021

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Organized by Naturist Men's Backpacking Meetup
At the Southern edge of George Washington National Forest in the great state of Virginia, we will hike from Douthat State Park up to the peak of Beards Mountain. The second day of the hike, WORLD NAKED HIKING DAY, we will enjoy the cool water of the Cowpasture River, and trek back up the mountain to camp somewhere on the Beards Mountain trail (TBD). On Day 3 the final leg of the hike will take us back to Douthat.
Event link:

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