North Carolina Male Nudists

Just a group for male nudists to exchange info and chat, and meet up for nude gatherings..must have a photo to share, or what is the point? Sandyguy45

Hello. Heading to north myrtle/ calabash the first week of June. Anyone heard of bird island as an unofficial nude beach? Hoping its legit, if so, youre more than welcome to join me! Would love to hang with locals!

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RE:Bird Island?

I am going to head out there this coming weekend from North Myrtle Beach. I have heard some reports of over zealous rangers but am not sure if any truth to that.

Will let you know how we go!

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RE:Bird Island?

Was a great day at the beach yesterday. Lots of walkers so not all that much opportunity for nude time, I'm guessing a lot of people enjoying the first few days of a "stay at home" free NC/SC. The walking traffic slowed after around 1.30 and we got some good sunbathing through around 3.30. there was one clothed guy hanging around and seemingly cruising in the later afternoon so we packed up and left.

One other nude guy set up a bit further down the beach from us had the best idea. Use a low beach chair and a wrap a towel around yourself that you can undo to sun nude and re-wrap if people are walking by.

It took around 30-35 minutes to walk down past the kindred spirits mailbox and the sand is firm so you may want to wear sneakers instead of sandals/flip-flops.

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RE:Bird Island?

Ill be there tomorrow!! So excited

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