Nude Experiences!!

As some of you know that i am pretty new to the world of Nudism, would love for people to share with me their stories /and or experiences of their first time being nude indoors or ourdoors!! Come on you must have some lol :o)

My first experience with being nude in mixed company was when I went to a nudist campground because I wanted to go skinny-dipping like I used to at the YMCA before it went co-ed and discontinued the policy of allowing skinny dipping.

During that visit I found out how comfortable it was to be outside nude in front of other like minded people enjoying the feeling of warm fresh air all over my body

I subsequently learned about nudist organizations that had festivals and gatherings where we could go around for days on end without wearing clothing

I am now living in a nudist resort and the only time I have to wear clothing is when I leave the community

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RE:My first time

Totally jealous of you living in a nudist community George - how I would love to be able to do that and just walk around the neighborhood nude whenever I felt like it. Situation prohibits that for me, unfortunately.

My first nude setting (outside of the house) was at the nude beach at Davis Park, Fire Island (which unfortunately no longer exists). it was fantastic to be able to participate in something I had been dreaming about for years.

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RE:My first time

Other than skinny dipping and streaking that one time in high school y first time in a nudist setting was on our honeymoon in Jamaica. The resort we stayed at had a nude beach attached to it. Didn't know how I would react but veery quickly felt at ease around others. Even was able to go snorkeling out front of it. That was wonderful. Didn't really practice my nudism until much later in life.

And I have been to the resort where George lives a few times and it is awesome. Profile picture is from the campgrounds at Cypress Cove. Can't wait to go back again.

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RE:My first time

Mine was on Brighton Beach on a hot summer's day. I went on the beach with my wife and her (female) friend. It was packed with nudes and I was aware of eyes watching these three clothed people. We quickly found a spot and I instantly stripped. On seeing me naked the friend exclaimed Oh you ARE a little boy! The two ladies stayed clothed.

Shortly a man walked the full length of the water's edge attracting everyone's attention. A Pan-Am shoulder bag hid his genitals from view. Then he turned exposing a big bush of bright pink pubic hair. The entire beach let out a spontaneous gasp. I guess he soon found some men friends.

I became aware of many stunning young females, apparently Miss World contestants topping up their all-over tans. A little later an ice cream salesman came onto the beach, rather overdressed. We decided to get some ices and I was sent to get them. I queued behind one of the stunning ladies. She turned after being served and I was so distracted I almost forgot my order. Soon I had three ice creams but what was I to do with the change. I hadn't been without pockets before - a new problem.

Towards the end of the day a couple got up and prepared to leave the beach. She put on a completely see-through dress with nothing underneath. I thought this was much sexier than their previous nudity.

I guess it left a lasting impression. It would be several years before I fully embraced nudity. Now widowed I joined TN and soon went on my very first nudist holiday, alone. But that is another story.

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