Nude Swimmers

A group for those of us who enjoy nude swimming - for fun - for exercise and for competition. List places where you can swim laps nude please

Nude Swim At Clothing-Optional Resorts in Asia

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I have the opportunities to visit several clothing-optional resorts in Asia over the past years.
The experiences were marvelous and love to just laze around on the deck chairs getting the sun tan or having a slow swim in the pool.

The environment and atmosphere were somewhat different each time at the various resorts. It was great to feel relaxed and refreshed after every swim or simply playing around at the pool.

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RE:Nude Swim At Clothing-Optional Resorts in Asia

I was at a clothing-optional resort in Bali September recently. It was great and marvellously fun to be able to swim, frolic around and in the swimming pool nude the whole afternoon! Besides, I also got an all-round natural sun tan. Can't wait to get naked and and jump into the pool again!

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RE:Nude Swim At Clothing-Optional Resorts in Asia

It's the same, I would like a relaxing nude swim on my travels ... at a naturist resort or anywhere possible. Here, I enjoyed an early morning swim in my recent Thailand trip ... felt great and good.

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