Nudism and spirituality (in the modern sense) together bring us closer to Nature. Meditation is like inward prayer, communing with our inner being, our life spirit, making us happy and healthy.

What nude spiritual practices do you engage in?

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Hello everyone! I just got curious to know what are the community fellows experiences in this regard. I see many of you talk about describe the awesome feelings and the spiritual sensations but I see that some of you engage in spiritual practices. I'd like to know which spiritual activites do you practice that require nudity for a more efective result. Thanks everyone! :D

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RE:What nude spiritual practices do you engage in?

Nice, Dave! I really like the perspective of self care as spiritual routine and I really appreciate it that you shared yours. I also practice naked yoga when I can and nude meditation. Sometimes I turn off all the eletronics, light up incenses, put some mantras to play and oil all my body very slowly. Sensual arouse and self pleasure are also common in these rituals.

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RE:What spiritual practices do you engage in nude?

I can just imagine you there Ed, a beautiful sheen on your lithe body as you sensually smooth the oil over your skin. The scent of the oils and incense, the soft candle glow casting shadows, as your body responds to your caressing fingers...mmm...

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RE:What nude spiritual practices do you engage in?

Daily prayer and meditation, including readings from various sacred texts. And I'm always naked when I do them: but then, I'm always naked at that time of the morning (early) anyway. Naked is my normal attire, I guess; but the point is to be naked when I'm at prayer as well.

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RE:What nude spiritual practices do you engage in?

It occurred to me: these are not "nude spiritual practices": they're spiritual practices, and I practice them naked.

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RE:What spiritual practices do you engage in nude?

You have a point there NB! I changed the heading on my reply, but the original question just happened to be worded that way.

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RE:What nude spiritual practices do you engage in?

Nudity and naturism are not incompatible with religion. There are Catholic priests who are also naturists. I even think that being naked puts us in a more favorable position to meditate or pray whatever our religion may be. found once in an isolated chapel in the mountains but still open, only accessible by a mule track. Another time, I went to ask for the key of a country church to visit it: in both cases, I had the need to pray on my knees and I took off all my clothes to be naked. took another dimension: once I was finished, I felt a greater well-being and inner peace grow stronger in me than if I had remained clothed.In my case, I often come to pray naked, lightened burden imposed by our civilizations.

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