Whether you enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror, or even your own photos. If you're vain or just proud to be nude. Appreciating the beauty of nudity begins by appreciating it in ourselves.

Do You Have A Type?

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I know it is not a very 'nudist' question but do you have a specific body type that you are attracted to? Love to hear your thoughts.

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RE:Do You Have A Type?

Not a type I guess but not into the major body builder look nor into the excessive weight look. And for sure, not tattoos all over the body. So I guess that makes my type just normal looking guys.

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RE:Do You Have A Type?

Maybe in porn (?!?) but generally - No! We may be different but it isnt just about body form. I have limits to that of course but you gotta see past the exterior or you will end up isolated, lonely and unfulfilled. Good comes in many sizes and shapes.

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RE:Do You Have A Type?

For friendship, no. For personal pleasure I like smooth, especially uncut.

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RE:Do You Have A Type?

Not so much Body. More body language - showing the individual is comfortable in their own skin. It's someone who just lives life naked just as they would when clothed - acting naturally and uninhibited. Personality and friendship help too.

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