Pierced Nudist

nudist with piercings

I am going to get both nipples piecered next Friday. That is my birthday present from my girlfriend. Any tips on caring for the fresh piercings?

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Got 'em done today.

Got pierced today. Kind a weird seeing those things stuck through my nips. Some bleeding. Body still reacting to the injury. Got my instructions for keeping them clean.

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RE: Got 'em done today.

Hope the nip piercings and you are getting on together just fine now. I had left nip done about 8-9 years ago, and although everything went fine with the piercing and healing, Ihated it for about the firstmonth or two. Then about 2 years ago, it was gradually migrating outwards and annoying me so had to take it out.
I missed it soooo much, I got it redone towards the end of last January and I'm happy again! Also, the piercer made sure it went well behind the nipple this time! Good luck with 2 nip piercings!

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RE: piercing

nipples were the most painful of all piercings Iever got except for reverse pa on top side of the head or glans of penis butr I LOVE the feeling of barbells thru them. I am very neiile sensitive and the sensation is wonderful. Have had them for more than 20 years now and sometimes forget they are there...have to be careful afout taking off a shirt in front of those who would be shocked at a pool party for example. They are simply part of ME after all these years...

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RE: piercing

Again, congratulations. I'm sure you'll find you'll want a bunch more once these heal, especially a PA.

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RE: Newly Pierced

I have been thinking about body piercing, any suggestion as what kind - pros and cons?

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RE: Newly Pierced

Newly pierced PA yesterday, no problems with peeing.

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