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My Introduction Flight

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Two weeks ago at the International Learn to Fly Day, I got to fly a Cessna 182 as an introductory flight. Did pretty good too. I was glad it was a 182 instead of a 172. Slightly heavier, more power, and more room. My wife and little girl got to ride with us. They are now HOOKED and wants me to be a pilot!
My very first introductory flight was many years ago in Texas, around 1985, in what I think was a Cessna 152 (might have been a 172, but doubt it). I remembered that flght so well that I knew there was a difference in weight of the two planes I flew, even after that long of a time. I think I'll pick it up really fast.
I just got to learn radio talk and how to read the notams/tfr's and other gibberish known only to pilots. (I got the alphabet down...somewhat).
On the Internation Learn to Fly Day, they offered the Cessna Sylibus for half price ($175) and I wanted it. They had a lot of activities going on, and one of them was a meeting for anyone who is interested in learning to fly. My wife and I attended that discussion and listened to their head instructor and saw some videos. They again offered the half price deal. I told them that we were not prepared to get that, even though we took a bite out of our budget to take the introduction flight. I also get paid once a month. I asked if it's possible if we can still get that deal if we get a rain check on it. Forutunately, the president of the flight company was there and he approved it. Especially after they found out I took the flight and my interest in learning was 10 on a scale of 1 to 10!
So today, (Saturday) we will go back to the airport (Chesapeak Bay Airport, VA) and pick up the sylibus.

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RE: My Introduction Flight

I found the plane I flew on line!


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