PTSD And Nudism

Organized to create a platform to discuss how nudism helps to mitigate the effects PTSD. After a 38 year police career, we were racked with PTSD and nearly lost ourselves. Using a combination of therapies, we have established a "new normal" that allows us to function in life and enjoy the process. We can test the waters and see who is interested!!

Hi To All From Arizona

I am now 71 yrs old. I was honorably retired from the army at age 43 after spending 10 months in a military hospital trying to recover from a TBI/concussion that also caused a stroke. It left me unable to speak clearly, unable to use one side of my...

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To all my brothers and sisters Military and...

If you ever need anything, please contact me. I'm here for you as many more are as well. Thank you for your service! Without you, I would've been nothing.

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