Queen City Nudists

This group is for all nudists of Charlotte, NC, and surrounding areas. Members are free to share their stories and meet fellow nudists in the area. I hope that a possible meet-up group or groups could be formed from the members.

February Group Meet

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Hello naked friends!

So I have scheduled our February meeting tentatively for the 17th. Time is 10-5. For those who have been present before, expect something new and for those yet to attend one of our meetings, well just get your naked ass here. lol. Ive come up with some cool interactive games to get us moving around and it will be great fun for everyone. I will work on getting us some food for the meet. Everyone BYOB! Please!

Also warmer weather will be here in a few months and would like some input on possible outdoor activities or possible hosting. As you know, I cannot host outdoors here.

So pass the word along and Ill see your naked self on the 17th!

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RE:February Group Meet

I have something planned later in the day; but if I can Ill swing by to hang for a bit.

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RE:February Group Meet

Planning to attend

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RE:February Group Meet

I am interested. I live in Statesville and would like more info.

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RE:February Group Meet

Would love to attend if I can find a ride down.


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RE:February Group Meet

I am interested in joining on the 17th

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RE:February Group Meet

Hoping that I can make it. Not yet sure of the time.

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RE:February Group Meet

I am planning on attending next Saturdays get together, I look forward to it.

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RE:February Group Meet

Hello everyone,

I need a head count of who is going to make the gathering this Saturday. Please reach out to me in an email. Also I can give you location if its your first time. Thanks. Perry.

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RE:February Group Meet

Planning to attend.

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RE:February Group Meet

Hello everyone,
I would like to thank all of you that attended today. It was great seeing familiar faces as well as new ones. Looking forward to our next meeting to be held soon. I will also look into spring/summer outdoor ideas for us.
Again, thank you all for attending. Lets see this group grow in the coming months.

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