Radical Faeries

we are queers of all ages, genders, shapes and sizes, of all ethnics, nationalities, faiths who connect to life and each other through the blessings of nature, the power of the heart, through listening and sharing our stories, through our bodies and spirits and through humour, drag, song, good food, drumming, trance, massage, ritual, play, sensuality, spirituality and sexuality. we are queer...

New Member--Original Faerie

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I just joined this group but don't see any posts or replies. Is this group dead/inactive?
I was one of the original Radical Faeries founded by Harry Hay during the 1960s in Los Angeles. I had the fortune to meet Harry again at the Lambda Rising Book Store-Dupont Circle-Washington, DC during the late 1990s when he was signing his latest book. This was shortly before he died. Hopefully this group is still active----if not then we need a new Host and re-start.

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RE:New Member--Original Faerie

Welcome. The group is alive, and occasionally rolls over in its sleep.

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