Real Couples

A group for couples who are proven to be nudists

nudism and exhibitionism

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Don't you think to be a nudist you also have to have a slight amount of being a exhibitionist in you? I am not saying being a nudist makes you the other, not at all but to be free enough to walk around nude and socialize with groups, Don't you believe you are a slight exhibitionist as well. I know we love being nude around others and yes indeed there is still a slight thrill involved,,, WE love the sun shining down on our bodies and to be honest we don't care who may see whatever while doing so

WE don't stand in "public" nude to show off but do enjoy standing at the resort etc

what is your thoughts? Don't you think they go hand in hand to a small degree?


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RE:nudism and exhibitionism

Absolutely they go hand in hand to at least some degree. It's human nature and I truly believe it's ingrained in our DNA and nature's way to continue the species. Plus it's common across all animal species to 'show off'. Again, propagation of species.

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RE:nudism and exhibitionism

We agree with you. But where is the border between nudist and exhibitionist? Staying nude at a mixed (clothing opt.) beach? At the shop in a nude area, where some people are clothed?

We are complete nude on warm days in area, where the most people are nude.

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RE:nudism and exhibitionism

I would have to agree about this also

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RE:nudism and exhibitionism

Is it that we like being seen naked OR just don't care? I guess many of us just relax in our naked skin, enjoying nudism no matter who is around (as long as they don't object). That is just feeling free and exposed. Having said that I know I'm a bit of an exhibitionist myself. It's hard to know what I might do which is different.

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RE:nudism and exhibitionism

To a degree, but my wife and I just love being naked, without the bounds of clothes, and we also love being outside, so it stands that others will see us, but we dont do it to be seen by others, but to enjoy being with good friends and free of clothes is something that makes us happy of its own.

I think to be a part exhibitionist would entail wanting to be seen in places where the naked body is not as readily accepted as normal, or that you get a thrill at a conscious thought of other seeing you naked

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RE:nudism and exhibitionism

I guess some would think of me as somewhat of an exhibitionist but I truly am not nor does my wife think I am, nor is she. We get no "trill" out of being seen by others. We aren't looking for excitement or sexual charge. Our take on being seen nude by others, when not in a designated nude area, is that we are exposing neighbors and those close by to simple, non sexual nudity and how it can be accepted as normal. We go out of our way to ensure we're not exposing people right out in the open and we take precautions not to be seen but if we are, so be it and hopefully those seeing us will accept it as "no big deal."

Our neighbors have all seen us naked, I'm sure. I don't run around naked out in the front yard but there are times when I do go out to the front yard and I'm naked for various reasons but it's usually during times when I'm fairly certain some may not see me but if they do, they would think ... "he doesn't realize that we are awake and see him." Out in public, after driving nude, we don't plan to be seen by others on the road or on the freeways or in parking lots, parking garages if we exit the car to put on clothes, we just live normally and act normally and hope that those that catch a glimpse or take a longer look, will come to realize that what we do and how we live is no different than how the textile world lives and does things. We just choose to do it naked and I think many of those that have seen us are actually more envious and not as offended as many would think.

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RE:nudism and exhibitionism

Our older female neighbor, across the street, just saw me naked yesterday while putting our trash bins away. As I stated previously, it wasn't my intent to expose myself to her and though it was daylight and I thought the coast was clear to do what I normally do every Wednesday afternoon, I expose myself to her nonetheless but without offense ... apparently!

As I was putting the trash bins into the backyard from our side walkway, an area that shields me on all sides except for this neighbor's upstairs balcony, this neighbor stood up, saw me and waved. I thought she'd go inside and that would be the end of it but she remained there and yelled over to me her pleasure in always looking over at our front yard and how pleasing it was to her. I replied, "thanks, glad you like it," and continued putting the trash bins in the backyard. She remained and as I brought the last bin in and went back to close the side gate, she now saw me full frontal naked and waved and smiled.

This is what I was getting to by exposing neighbors to simple, non sexual, everyday life nudity and how normal it is, it can be and should be. Her husband has seen me naked numerous times and just waves and many times crosses the street to come and talk to me. Funny that my nudity never comes up but at least I know he's fine with it.

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