Shaved Nudists

Group for all nudists and naturists who like to shave their intimate bodyparts

I've been shaving for a long time. Last time i decided to use manscape intimate hair removal cream. Worked great but to my surprise it grew back in. I always thought it would kill it at the roots. I behind on shaving. Need to do it again but I herd something about lazer hair removal. How does that work? Thanks in advance

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RE:Hair removal

I think the creams only ever dissolve the hair at the base but does not prevent regrowth. For that you need laser, but rven then you'll need multiple sessions as not every hait follicle is active at any one time and the laser needs a hair to be in place to work.

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RE:Hair removal

Ok thanks for the info. Where can I get a lazer hair remover or do u have to get it done somewhere.

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