Skeptics, Atheists And Critical Thi

This is a group for nudists who are also skeptics, atheists and critical thinkers. In other words, its a group for nudists who base their beliefs on science and evidence, and reject beliefs based on pseudoscience or the paranormal. In practice, this means we dont believe in any gods or other supernatural beings (such as ghosts, angels or demons) because there is no compelling evidence that they...

The older I get & the more I learn of the Russian Revolution, the more similarities I see between the anti-Bolshevik "left" and the supposed American "right." Seems odd, so... fact check.

The Left SRs, anarcho-syndicalists, etc disliked the centralization of power into one party or committee favoring "All Power To The Soviets" and the US ideal of local control & small federal government. Lots of talk of "freedom" and "individual liberty" in both periods.

This seem too similar to be true.

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