SouthWest Florida Fishermen

Florida is one of the greatest places to be a Fisherman. If you love to fish and live here or are visiting from time to time this may be the group for you. If you just like to fish and hope to visit here this may be the group for you. If you just like to talk fishing, this may be the group for you. Hoping to find others in this area or any area who are interested in Off Shore Fishing, Backwater...

Water warming up off shore to say nothing of backwaters. Yesterday 74 to 76 degrees off shore. Went out to fish sharks yesterday alone and had an outstanding day with two doubles, losing one of two each time and that's a good thing, six black tip sharks landed and released all 4 to 6 footers and two bull sharks landed and released both over 300#s. Also hooked and lost four other sharks besides the doubles that were lost. Looks like its going to be a great spring for fishing both in and off shore.

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