SouthWest Florida Fishermen

Florida is one of the greatest places to be a Fisherman. If you love to fish and live here or are visiting from time to time this may be the group for you. If you just like to fish and hope to visit here this may be the group for you. If you just like to talk fishing, this may be the group for you. Hoping to find others in this area or any area who are interested in Off Shore Fishing, Backwater...

Here much longer than expected but everything back on track....hopefully

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WOW, came for a 5 day tarpon trip and still here over thirty days later. Put shutter up then more shutters for others then taking shutters down and taking them down for others. Seems like I ran a chain saw for hours, oh yeah I did. Volunteered distributing food and cleaning supplies to pass the time waiting for insurance adjuster. Appointment, cancelled, New Appointment, cancelled, Another New Appointment, No Show, finally a phone call , a new appointment and the adjuster shows up. roof already repaired $500 cheap. Pool cage totaled but still standing. I consider myself lucky.

Heading back north next week as have to pick up the truck and then drive south again. This was a long five day fishing tri and never got a line wet. Will have to make up for that over the next 8 months.

Looks like thay are going to eliminate the AJ season till summer. Who knows if there will be a Red Snapper season in 2018. Will just have to work on what is available. Grouper, Snapper, Kings, Cobia, maybe some African Pompano. Got 8 months to get it dialed in and figured out. I suspect that the water is going to remain warm again on the gulf this winter and we will not have the major exchange of summer to winter fish. Time will tell. Looking forward to another great season on the water fishing.

Stay safe on the water and catch um up!

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RE:Here much longer than expected but everything back on track....hopefully

They will be missing you after all of the work you've done following Irma. Have a safe trip back up!

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