SouthWest Florida Fishermen

Florida is one of the greatest places to be a Fisherman. If you love to fish and live here or are visiting from time to time this may be the group for you. If you just like to fish and hope to visit here this may be the group for you. If you just like to talk fishing, this may be the group for you. Hoping to find others in this area or any area who are interested in Off Shore Fishing, Backwater...

Great Day of Fishing Yesterday !!!

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Great day on the Gulf once we got past all the dead fish and the smell. That took traveling about 15/18 miles out to get past all the floating bait, snapper, grunts and grouper. They are everywhere and so is the smell of them.

Traveled out several more miles and found the mother load of Large Snapper. Snapper 10 to 23 inches, Nice! Rest of the day was hunting and a lot of catch and release. But, a box load of big snapper is not a bad day on the water. Hell, a RG had to be 20 to keep. These were like small RG.

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