SouthWest Florida Fishermen

Florida is one of the greatest places to be a Fisherman. If you love to fish and live here or are visiting from time to time this may be the group for you. If you just like to fish and hope to visit here this may be the group for you. If you just like to talk fishing, this may be the group for you. Hoping to find others in this area or any area who are interested in Off Shore Fishing, Backwater...

Great Day Fishing

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Yesterday slow going in the fog in the morning. Got to first spot in the fog and a boat already there. Same with second and third. Went out another 5 miles and no boats around as the fog burns off. Fish everywhere. Schools of Ballyhoo, 3# mangroves feeding in the chum,14 to 17 inch Lanes going in the box. 3,4,5 foot Barracuda in and out of the chum along with schools od Spade Fish. Bothersome dolphins and pelicans all day. One 10# Goliath and his brother over 100#.What's not to like?

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