Tea Party Nudists And Naturists

For naturists who are supportive of the national Tea Party movement and who want to rein in the excesses of the statists in Washington and in the states.

someone upset with me

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the other day someone on my friends list contacted me and seemed upset with me being a teaparty participate and how the country is divided in half and this site is about nudism and politics apparently don't belong. i told him that i try to separate my interest in life but America our great country far surpasses nudism or pretty much anything else and that the teaparty was a major reason for the outcome of the november 2010 elections and the hopefully stopping of socialism in our government and country. needless to say he took me off his friends list, there are a ton of stupid groups on here heck i started a few of them myself but if this group can wake up one liberal or independent to see the reality of where America is headed i and i hope the rest of us will continue to be outspoken.

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RE: someone upset with me

oh i'm not worried about losing someone on my friends list as much as i worry that there are people out there that don't see where this administration and the congress have taken us and yes that includes democrats as well as republicans. why would anyone want socialist/communist destroying our great republic, when some in this administration admire mao or those who believe our constitution is outdated and needs to be re-wriiten ( yeah i bet i know what that book will look like). i pray that 2011 will be a good change for our republic but i believe it will not be till after 2012 election that the change we need will come, this congress my be able to slow the socialism growing in washington. and yes the teaparty need to stay strong and we andespecially me need to become more involved.

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