Uncircumcised Guys

For Uncircumcised guys and there admirers.

Ive always been a huge fan if uncut guys. Im kind of jealous of them too be honest. I asked my mom why she got mine cut and she told me it was just the thing to do. I told her that I should have made that decision once I was old enough to decide on my own. I guess it's too late to be upset about it but it does not hurt to admire from a far. To all of the uncut men of the world my hat off to you guys, no pun intended lol.

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RE:Huge fan!

What exactly you a fan of tho ?

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RE:Huge fan!

i agree i would love to be uncut , if i could change anything about myself being uncut would be it. i'm not mad or resentful but people need to be more educated about it and other than a few health factors affecting a few doesn't mean cut the whole lot . no doubt money played a big part too. mine is cut pretty loose and if i could stick with it i have no doubt i could restore mine, i'd like to know what the doctor thought when he snipped me was he for or anti circumcise - i guess i'll never know...

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RE:Huge fan!

You express my sentiments too. Thanks for posting.

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RE:Huge fan!

Awesome! It's good to spread awareness that way future generations will have a choice.

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