Vegan Nudist Living

Communication here involving continuously vegan living, with acknowledging the issues for it, inclusive of animal abuse, for healthier ways for people to eat, having more food made available to people who starve from the produce being used to feed the animals who would be used, and for less effect on the natural environments of our world. And this is with support of our options to be nude when...

Healthy eating doesn't need to be expensive

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Where I am, I still pay more for the milk that I choose, which is nondairy. At least with buying whole foods for almost all of what I get it balances out to be more affordable, though certainly I wish nondairy milk would not cost that much more. And hummus is not so cheap.

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RE:Healthy eating doesn't need to be expensive

It can be very cheap to eat healthy. If a good blender and grain mill are obtained. The expense of those items can be slightly significant but prorated over their lengthy lifespan as they make possible some real cost cutting in food budget. Therefore pay for themselves many times over. Then seek out sources of whole grains and whole beans in bulk amounts. 50-100 lb at a time or even more to cut cost. Sometimes a produce wholesaler can be found that will see to individuals, then get whole cases of produce of all sorts at generally half grocery store price more or less. We have done that off and on since I was a child, to supplement what we could grow and get things out of our growing season. Now and then we'd run across a whole case or several of bananas that were getting overripe, at a dime a lb. We grab the whole business and go home and peel the whole works, dip them in pineapple or orange juice, pack in freezer bags and drop in the freezer. And then sometimes we'd dry some of them in a large food dehydrator whole. They make great banana 'jerky' to chew on. And the frozen ones get run through a champion juicer for pure banana ice cream, or dropped into a blender with other things for a nice fruit smoothie. The whole grains fresh milled make the best tasting bread, nothing quite like the flavor of fresh bread from fresh milled flour. Flour that's left to age in shipping and on a shelf until it gets sold looses that fresh goodness of flavor and looses some nutrition too. As for hummus, make your own. Cook chick peas (garbanzos) and run them in blender adding whatever flavors are desired. They can also be obtained in bulk fairly cheap.

But by far the best way is to get out on some land and grow our own of everything we can.

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RE:Healthy eating doesn't need to be expensive

I would love to get land for living this way with growing the food, which could happen with others who all contribute as they can for that, and have really sustainable ways with that. Grains are food. Though I will like making bread from it, grains can be eaten as they are.

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