Vegan Nudist Living

Communication here involving continuously vegan living, with acknowledging the issues for it, inclusive of animal abuse, for healthier ways for people to eat, having more food made available to people who starve from the produce being used to feed the animals who would be used, and for less effect on the natural environments of our world. And this is with support of our options to be nude when...

We are better off with food without animal products

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That people before agriculture were eating almost all animal flesh is not truly supported. There is good evidence now that much of early human diet was not from animals. There was adaptation to have meat from animals that was not had by earlier ancestors, but with enough healthy vegetation it isn't better for us. Vegan living is healthy, and studies show that. There is not healthiness with carbohydrates from processed foods. But there is healthy plant-based eating without that, using whole foods, that really is healthy.

It sure would be nice if nudist events we go to had what would be vegan food.

If there are questions for being vegan or help asked for that, I can respond to answer for it in the communication.

See The Game Changers.

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