Vegan Nudist Living

Communication here involving continuously vegan living, with acknowledging the issues for it, inclusive of animal abuse, for healthier ways for people to eat, having more food made available to people who starve from the produce being used to feed the animals who would be used, and for less effect on the natural environments of our world. And this is with support of our options to be nude when...

About being vegan, with communication we can have

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How about helping out with discussion in here, in this group? We can help having True Nudists be of interest to us. We can speak with others who are vegan here, and possibly learn some tips that we didn't know already. And we may make friends with others who are vegan in True Nudists, through this. Ask me things too. How long was I vegan? I started late in life, but I was vegetarian first, for over half a dozen years, and then the last seven years I was vegan. I certainly had to learn to do that well along the way. And early I went vegetarian when knowing it was healthier to not have meat. But I do care about not harming animals, and when learning abuse to animals is really horrible throughout animal agriculture for any products from them, and the other serious issues still, I gave up animal products long before learning there is the healthiest way with it, or even if it would be as healthy without dairy or some animal product still. But it wasn't needed, there is the healthiest way still.

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RE:About being vegan, with communication we can have

Been vegetarian all my life. vegan? just bout to start. I'm thoroughly fed up on processed and even heated food, badly in need of some healing life regenerating foods, rich in nutrients and minerals. Gettin out to plant some this week, everything is set to go for it. I'm tired of being tired and sore, wanna feel young again and I know how. Good fresh produce from the garden grown nutrient dense with heavy mineral fertility and trace mineral supplements, consumed fresh, live, raw. Adds life to the body and backs up the ageing progress significantly, then allows it to progress very much slower than normal. The benefits seem so massive when I consider all the evidence I've seen it's a wonder why I've waited so long to get started on it.

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RE:About being vegan, with communication we can have

Been vegetarian all my life. vegan? just bout to start.

Thanks for responding, ReubenT. You are welcome to join the group of this communication. It is evident that group communication is still viewable to other contacts on TrueNudists, still. I see you are on the right track, indeed growing the good vegetation for nutritious food in soil with the important minerals is needed. But I think we can all learn important tips for that. If I can move to land for doing that soon still I would do so, I am already living as simply as I might, and eating without animal products, but there is growing all the vegetation for what is needed that I still want to do, needing the place still for that. And I want others interested in doing that too.

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