White Tail Resort

Lovers of White Tail resort In Ivor VA

Anyone going to White Tail for the Open House?

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July 8 and 9, 2017 is their Open House, along with various other activities. Anyone planning on going? I'm debating on making a trip out and camping for the weekend.

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RE:Anyone going to White Tail for the Open House?

Heading out for the day on the 8th. See ya there

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RE:Anyone going to White Tail for the Open House?

What a great day at White Tail! Weather was fantastic, the pool was refreshing, and we got to hang with a lot of friends both old and new. Can't beat it.

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RE:Anyone going to White Tail for the Open House?

It was a lot of fun! Was happy to meet a few first time visitors, make some new friends, and of course, it's always nice to see the regulars.

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RE:Anyone going to White Tail for the Open House?

I had a blast as well. Cool meeting more Truenudist members in person and hanging with friends. I go a lot so let me know if you want company.

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