Wine Lovers Unite

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Some of my favorites

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My all time favorite red wines are from the Beaujolais region in France. Specifically Brouilly and Fleurie wines, which are very fruity. I drink them a little undercooled, so not on room temperature.
I lived many years in the Atlantique in France, on the border of the Vende province. I loved the Loire wines from that area. Specifically Muscadet (Dry white wine) and the red wines from Saumur, a city not far from me.
Another favorite I like is Pouilly Fum. A white wine with a strong smoky taste.
All these wines I cannot get here in China. Once I found a box of a Saumur wine, but after it was sold out (I bought the whole lot I think), I cant find it anymore.
In Portugal I like very much the white Vino Verde (Its indeed almost green). Its slightly sparkling and acid, and one drinks it cold. Very refreshing. In some places you even find it on draft ! Perfect with a Portugese Baccalau dish.
And about the red Chinese wines, thats a whole different story. If you like vinegar, this is the place to be. Some white wines are quite drinkable. For instance the cheaper Rieslings from Changyu. But compared to the real Rieslings from France it remains a-nice-try-but-not-really-successful.
The imported wines are mostly very overpriced simple rubbish wines. Headache guaranteed.
American wines I donot really know. Although I tasted some California red wines which were not bad at all. Quite delicious in fact.
Soon I will be opening a luxury bar here, and wine (The good ones) I will be promoting.
Happy wine tasting to all

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