Workout Naked

This group is for anyone that likes to work out naked. If you like lifting weights, running, going to the gym, swimming, or any other way of keeping fit, and like me you prefer to do it naked, feel free to join this group.

Workout Motivation

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its been tough to get working out again, I need to find that motivation. Last year I was motivated by a beach trip we had planned, but I don't have that this year. I like to use nudity to motivate me, so maybe I need to focus more on that! Maybe taking some nude workout pics would keep me going. I can be a bit of an exhibitionist so maybe I should use that to my advantage. Anyone want to swap a weekly nude workout pic? I'm thinking that if I take a weekly pic I can use that to track any improvements. ANyone interested in doing this with me? How do you stay motivated?

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RE:Workout Motivation

I had joined a local gym which is open 24 hours a day thinking I wouldn't have an excuse to not go, but for the month I had joined I only went twice. After trying that I decided to do a simple workout at home with the equipment I had, which should be more than enough. I did get started, but my motivation was working out nude! It was being naked that got me focused on working out again. I have mirrors set up around the basement and that helps me watch my progress. I tell me self that the more I do here the more comfortable I'll be at the nudist camps. I know no one really cares what shape you're in, but I'm using that as motivation and its working so far!
I'm tempted to try to clean out more of the basement so I could maybe invite other nudists to work out with me.
I agree about how different wearing just one piece of clothing can be. I have a very thin pair of running shorts that weigh very little, but even with those on I feel weighted down. Its just a much better feeling to be totally naked - but you all already knew that!

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