Nude Gardeners
If you want to chat more, find me: Instagram: xgypsybellax Snapchat: gypsybella1980 Telegram: xgypsybellax
Thanks to whatever/whomever/whyever fixed it. There's a lot to be thankful for in a place that costs me nothing to use and does include some pleasant interaction and the occasional bare body. If it's attached to the WWW, there will always be...
This part of the northern hemisphere is finally settling into a persistent cool-down, the time when so many of my fellow nudist neighbors begin to bemoan the inability to be bare outside in general. Out in the yard for nearly an hour yesterday gave...
I'm happy to have a greenhouse I can be nude in, in the winter. On sunny days it can get up to 85F. I can do planting & transplanting & propagating plants while nude. It's like a little oasis. I also have a front porch facing South with a...
Has anyone grown a service berry tree or shrub? It's also referred to as: juneberries or shadbush or saskatoon. Like to get your opinions on them.
I'm passionate about connecting with nature, myself, and like-minded individuals. I enjoy attending nudist events, workshops, and retreats, where I can share experiences, insights. Im always excited to meet and chat with fellow nudist who share...
I just posted another note about prepping for the potential hurricane visit and noted my fall veggies are just starting to get above ground. That's good except for our visitor from down south that's headed towards the Florida Panhandle. My...
I wondered if anyone can help me as I'm having problems posting photos to this. and other groups. The photos I upload appear but when I log in again they have disappeared. They are photos similar to other photos on the website.
I do wonder if a clothing optional community garden could work in the US. I've been looking at buying some land. I could see offering that on a portion for a very modest fee covering water and insurance.
Hello there. I am a nude gardener from Washington state, in the U.S. I garden at our home near Seattle and at our cabin in north central washington, not far from the border with British Columbia, CA. Pleased to join the...