Announcements on True Nudists

Check here to keep up with what we're doing to make truenudists the most popular nudist site on the web

Please help me understand this site...

I was muted and then blocked from chat room because I held up my heavy breasts and then called out the moderator for his un- justness. Oh the insanity. The most popular woman here can have spread eagle camera shots and men can jack off but I can not...

Valentine's Day stories to share?

Hello all, I was just wondering if any of our users have Romantic Valentine's day stories to share. Did any couples get to spend some time at their local Nudist resorts or vacation anywhere exciting? I know the weather has been harsh on the East...

Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

The next few months are going to bring in a ton of new updates, changes and fixes. We plan on investing quite a bit into upgrading our horribly working video system, and making photos/videos easier and better for users. Check out the blog listing...

How they can send those hundreds of Happy...

Hi How people who have hundred and hundred of "friends" can send their wishes to each of them ? Maybe they don't ; they just wait to receive as they collect them ; one way only. Egocentrism. Waiting for your suggestions, we wish you an...

Nudist meet at mumbai

hey hie all nudes hope u all are doing good.... looking forward to meet nudist around mumbai......... mail me intrested ones for details take care

Contacting admin

I've been with tn for more than 10 years. Recently I was offered paid membership concessions for being a loyal member. I've sent three messages over 6 weeks via the contact us form and via email. Haven't received any replies. Yes,...

Latest PostContact TT2
by IMHAWK07 
What's your Nudist Love Story?? Win a 3...

Teamtrue2 had a great idea for the upcoming valentine's day. Tell us your nudist love story and win big! Find out all you need to know here..

Chat is currently down

Hello, apologies for chat currently being down. We had a hard drive crash and unfortunately it was on the server hosting chat. We should have chat back up soon. Thanks for your patience Teamtrue2

Stuck Numbers

Not that it matters much but, has anyone noticed that the numbers for Profile Views and Popularity on the member's profile page have been stuck for a couple of weeks now. I don't know what other peoples' pages look like but mine have not...

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dont repost spam

please not: If you copy and repost a spam message just to tell us your have flagged it.You are doing it wrong. The spammers copy gets removed but your copy stays intill YOU remove it. Which most of you don't. I suggest if you have to tell us...