western ny state

Hello, western ny state, cattaraugus county. can travel some, lookkng to meet others in nude setting

Dutchess county?

Im fairly new to this lifestyle and was wondering about any local places where nudity is allowed. Ive been to the ledges in Vermont and I loved it but would like someplace closer to home. Thanks.

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Anyone in CNY?

Looking for new friends in Central NY, around the Syracuse Area! Anyone around from there? ~Mike

Naked Art Reception MAR31 *Rare* in NYC

ART + NUDITY, what could be better? Come enjoy the RARE opportunity to view a fantastic art exhibit, meet the artist, all while being nude yourself! Art During the Occupation Gallery, Bushwick, Brooklyn and Men's Naked Drawing Group are pleased...

Winter to Spring Daytime Nudist Co-working &...

We're a small group of platonic male social nudists interested in meeting other new and experienced nudists for non-sexual daytime co-working, coffee and networking. We DO NOT require face or body pictures because we know it's not about...

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Large Master BR with private Bath available in my spacious, renovated & updated Forest Hills 2BR apartment. Shared living room space, large eat-in kitchen on the top floor of an elegant elevator co-op building. It's situated a block away from...

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Harlem/Morningside Heights Weekday Massage...

I am looking for an intermediate to advanced female or male massage practitioner to travel to my Morningside Heights apartment during banker's hours at least once a week for legit table massage practice and swap sessions. I am not seeking...

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Men's Naked Drawing Group NY

Here's our July line up! SAT July 8: outdoor naked drawing + pot luck in EAST Village. TUE July 11 naked drawing at our SoHo studio. THU July 20 naked drawing at private home in WEST Village. TUE July 25 naked drawing at our SoHo studio....

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DIY Skincare, Candles & Essential Oils...

Interested in meeting, hanging out & exchanging recipes and ideas for essential oils, candles, skin/body care & homemade bath salts. Are there others out in there in the shadows? If so, contact me directly via TN email rather than leaving a forum...

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Freelancers, Self-employed Nudist Co-working...

We're a small group of male social nudists interested in meeting other new and experienced nudists for non-sexual daytime co-working, coffee and networking. We DO NOT require face or body pictures because we know it's not about looks or...