The Naked Outdoors

Nude hiking?

I was recently in the San Fran Bay Area north of Half Moon Bay. Hiked in the hills along the coast. Perfect setting for nude hiking. But how do you know if its okay to hike nude?

Hanging out by the pool in central Missouri

Another hot one but nothing that the pool can't cure.

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World Naked Gardening Day

World Naked Gardening Day is coming up on May 6th. Who is planning on participating? I will be heading to a farm that sponsors the day and, in return, gets some gardening done. It's a great way to meet other naturists.

Tulsa, Oklahoma here

I'm in Tulsa and i don't know of anyplace close for being naked outdoors. The nudist resorts are too far away for me. i've had some experience doing nude odd jobs around Tulsa, but it's been a few months since my last one of those....

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Naked bike rides

I love being outside naked at naked bike rides

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Made new friends

I meet with 5 other nudist yesterday for the first time. We had a great talking and eating then spent about a hour in the hot tub. I think we all had a great time.. I sure would like to expand my friend base around Spokane Washington. The couple...

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Avoiding Plastics

Just read an article about a lady who was going to try and not touch any plastic for a full day. She quickly gave up when she realized that her toilet seat was plastic. It seems to me that the only reasonable way to do this is to spend the day...

The naked greet

I live in Conroe Tx and would love to go over to another nudists home and be greeted naked. Female or couples only. Id then go in and start taking my clothes off too.

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