Clans on the web site

Two things I have learned on this web site if you want attention and be able to talk and get to know people on this site you need to be in one of the clans they got going here or be a female. do not be a single male looking for friends that happens to be a male that likes women,you will go no where fast , I have been a nudist for over forty years and this is the worst I have ever seen it.reminds me of being in high school

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RE: Clans on the web site

Somewhat disagree with you. On the other hand, if you a guy just wanting to befriend girls, this site is such that it sort of falls hard due to gender numbers, single F do get too much attention to befriend almost anyone they not convinced of being reasonable. Besides, what' wrong with learning to know guys as well? I am somewhat suspicious all profiles who have ONLY male or female profiles on the friends list.

What comes to "clans", I admit such may to some degree exist, but denounce the necessity to belong to any of them. At least I do not feel being part of any "Clan", though a frequent Forum contributor and occasional Chat visitor.

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RE: Clans on the web site

I have no problem with being friends with any one.

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RE: Clans on the web site

As in real life friendship grows primarily through shared interests and interactions. Join in on discussions, perhaps join a group with the intention of participating and as you become known and get to know others you will find it easier to gain friends. I have most of my interaction with those I consider friends in this manner rather than as listed friends.

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RE: Clans on the web site

i agree its hard to make friends on here ive given up asking anyone now lol

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RE: Clans on the web site

I would agree with the OP assessment of this site. Unless you have a lot of time and courage, I wouldn't bother trying to change it. There are plenty of nudist sites, some better, some worse. Take what you can from each and if by chance you're able to add to or improve the site, great. But to try and change a group that doesn't want change is folly. No one changes until it is easier to change than it is to stay the same.

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RE: Clans on the web site

You know, people don't reach the level of "super-nudist" much less levels 2,3, and 4, by being introverts, or unsociables. Sometimes what you are looking for is right in front of you. It's kinda like walking up on a rattle-snake, when you hear the noise, jump back and access the situation. It may be a bite comming, or it could be a welcoming jingle. I think everyone should carefully read into what others are saying, and perhaps look at that person and their post counts. I conjecture that people with 3 or 4 thousand posts are respected members and know a bit about internet socialization?

Within limits.
This is all true of some, but others only by being argumentative and disagreeable.
It's an indicator, but only one indicator.
I've found some wonderful people who never post to the forum.

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RE: Clans on the web site

Thanks for all the comments and replys,it helps with some understanding,don't realy change my mind,to me the forums and blogs are a tool to vent my frustrations at things I see as unfair, unfortunatly I get mad at all the things I find unfair in the world ,makes for some ruff times but hell life go's on, and I have no regrets on my life. again thanks for all comments and replys

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RE: Clans on the web site

Actually, I get a fair number of Friend requests. It's just that they're mostly just out of the blue; it seems that in this and other "social networking groups" like Facebook (which kicked me out, but that's another topic), a lot of people just want to collect as many Friends as possible. But somehow, that just feels creepy to me. So I disregard the vast majority of them.
Yes, it does happen that most of them by far come from men.

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RE: Clans on the web site

I'm new here & this is my first post. I just wanted to say I like your dreamcatcher avatar. I belong to a few other nudist forums, have been to many clothing optional locales and am planning a month road trip some time next year from New Mexico to Florida, with most stops at naturist resorts. Maybe I'll meet some folks on here that we can meet up with in person on the way...who knows?

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RE: Clans on the web site

Could not agree more With Silver Surfer. I too will look at someone's profile and see if we have things in common along with nudism. Likewise, I like to have chatted with someone first and or emailed as well.

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