Nude & Body Image

So there is no denying I enjoy being nude and participating in nude activities. At the same time, I feel a certain amount of discomfort with the way I look. I don't fit what I think is attractive in terms of how the body looks. My stomach is bigger than I want it to be and it's so hard to build up muscle in all the right places. Maybe it's more mental on my part than anything else. I just wonder if other people go through this too.

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RE: Nude & Body Image

Just do it. I a real social-nudity situation, there are no photos or "perfect" bodies to compare yourself to, just other, real, people to interact with . Your body is adequate to the purpose. For me, social nudity is great for the body image, because it gets me out of my head about it, and into the real world, where it doesn't matter nearly so much.

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RE: Nude & Body Image

So there is no denying I enjoy being nude and participating in nude activities. At the same time, I feel a certain amount of discomfort with the way I look. I don't fit what I think it attractive in terms of how the body looks. My stomach is bigger than I want it to be and it's so hard to build up muscle in all the right places. Maybe it's more mental on my part than anything else. I just wonder if other people go through this too.That's what happens when we are in a clothes textile world . Society brainwashes our minds. Which is so sad. I myself only feel fat when I'm wearing clothes or feel fat when I'm shirtless. I only feel beautiful and attractive when I'm nude.

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RE: Nude & Body Image

Well to begin with there is nothing wrong with what i see. People are always more critical of themselves. I know my body needs work because there are areas im not happy with, but that doesnt stop me from enjoying the freedom of nudity. If people dont like it then they shouldnt look lol.

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RE: Nude & Body Image

I think most people can relate to what you are experiencing. You likely have the same insecurities regarding your appearance clothed or nude. That is what makes social nudity so wonderful. Although we all look different nude, nudity can be a great "equalizer", i.e. I am not decorating myself with anything, this is me! We all have parts of our body we like, and parts we don't like, and as gay men we likely objectify our parts more than straight men do. Celebrate the body you have, and take the best care of it and that will show.

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RE: Nude & Body Image

Yes, I do too I'm fat ugly and I wish I had a awesome body and longer pickle. But I am who I am so I feel okay about it but I do get shy and I lose friends never invited to nude events because of it but one day I will be accepted in nude community.

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RE: Nude & Body Image

My man I would look at you coming and turn to check out the rear as you passed and I only do that for handsome men who look good :) I suspect living in a college town you are comparing yourself to the best looking college kids there and UVA has some real lookers - but you are right there with them - so I agree - drop the insecurities and get out and have fun :)Ed-in-Hickory: I am not saying that I think I'm hideous. Since I first posted this topic I've made some changes to how I eat and I have been more steady with exercising. It's been working well. Changing my food intake I think made a big difference. I am a thick guy so it is really easy for me to pack on pounds when I don't pay attention. The take away for me is that, yes, I am comfortable with myself and I know people like the way I look (and my husband loves a big booty!) but when "we" don't like the way "we" look for whatever reason it has psychological/emotional ramifications that are hard to drop sometimes.
The first time I went to Haulover Beach there was a really big dude, maybe 300 pounds, who was prancing his nude self up and down the beach like it wasn't anybody's business. I respected him for that and realized at that moment that in the end it doesn't really matter if my belly is bigger or smaller or whatever. If people are going to judge me negatively because of that then I probably don't want to hang out with them anyway, right? So, yeah, I love me and all that, I just want to be fit. I don't compare myself to 19 year olds because if I did I would probably slit my wrists but I do compare myself to me and what I know I am capable of. :-)

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RE: Nude & Body Image

I think we all want to be better. I was always skinny growing up and made fun of and then started working out in my 20's and began to like what I saw. I got the nerve one day to wear a speedo to the beach and loved it and one day I discovered the nude beach, Playalinda on the East Coast near the Space Center. I couldn't believe all the people that were naked but I couldn't quite get my nerve up to strip and go nude so I wore a very little gstring. I finally got my nerve up though and stripped but had to lay on my stomach because I was so excited :) I couldn't believe I was naked on a beach in front of lots of people. I loved it though. After many years of going, I still get excited when I first get there, but now can walk the beach naked with confidence. I have gradually overcome my shyness and most people would not believe I go to nude beaches, but I love it and would live naked 24/7 if I could. One day I'll make it to a nude resort and do some nude socializing. I'm a work in progress.

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RE: Nude & Body Image

You have a nice look and smile VB.. Inviting and open. The fears of our appearance and such I think are media caused. You have nothing to fear. And everything to gain. I'd welcome your company any time. Steve

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RE: Nude & Body Image

Yeah we all go through those phases, especially as we get older and our bodies change and don't look quite like they used to. But after looking at your photos, you definitely look GREAT. No worries at all handsome. I wouldn't mind meeting you naked on a trail any day of the week. :)

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RE: Nude & Body Image

What you're feeling is totally normal. I went through that most of my life so far. I always felt like my body wasn't as good as other guys around my age. Life is funny though. Now at 50, I see those guys and, frankly, they don't look so good. And now I have a better-looking body than they do.
And you, my friend, have nothing to worry about. Just keep on the path that you're on. You look good. Don't be ashamed to show it off. In fact, be proud!

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