keeping secret

As a teacher, have you ever had trouble as the result of a student, parent or other person discovering your nudist ways?

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RE: keeping secret

As a teacher, have you ever had trouble as the result of a student, parent or other person discovering your nudist ways?My eh-GF is a teacher and we both are nudists... We always go nude beaches far away from our town to keep her away of the risk to be seen naked by some her student or parents... and were lucky

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RE: keeping secret

I had a position at a local GED program, and I wouldn't have let my boss know about my weekend nudism at all. She was always looking for a reason to throw me out and she was exactly the type that would have made a whole raft of assumptions. I think I told one co-worker, but other than that, no one knew. I never worried about being seen by any of the people that worked there, although one student found out about it long after she graduated.
I had a couple of students that were into getting naked a parties, skinny dipping with friends and so forth. Those were conversations I overheard, and, despite the fact that some of my students were adults, propriety told me never to bring up such stuff with them.
I had one co-worker that I was close to that I thought would be into going out to a nudist place, because she considered herself a hippie. Surprisingly, despite her being into yoga and a bunch of things like that, she was not very body positive. I never brought it up with her.
Given the environment I was in with so many gossipy co-workers, the last thing I would have wanted was most of them to know. I'm sure that one of them would have said something to a student and I would have been in a world of hurt.

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RE: keeping secret

My SO is a teacher and being recognized / found out is one big reason she will not join me at nudist venues.

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RE:keeping secret

Trouble in my area is that the nudist beach is unofficial and has a major track along the coast that was put in 5 years ago for the public to take a meander along the beaches and headlands.

I have one teacher at school who asked me what I was doing on Miners Beach (the unofficial nudist beach) and just had the luck of having my camera around my neck so told her it's one of the beaches that offer good photographic content. Showed here the pics I take and she leaves me alone now, but I know she has seen me naked walking along the beach at some stage, it's in her questioning to me that I suspect she knows.

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RE:keeping secret

Oh, forgot to add, I live by the coast now, but 3 years ago lived out west in a town known as Dubbo NSW, and used to go naked down by the river of an afternoon after work and on weekends. I was caught by a student who I taught the year before, he's no longer at school so it turned out ok, but it was a bit embarrassing to have him know for a while, especially as I was gay, as I haven't come out to my school/s as of yet and don't intend to.

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