A naked society

I have this fantasy where I would somehow end up in another dimension where humans don't wear many clothes. It would be a large city in a warm, tropical forested area. A great majority of people would be naked, but it would technically be a clothing optional society, as the most that some men and women would wear would be a small loin cloth.

Naturally as I began living in this society I would lose all of my clothes and go naked like most everyone else. Most of the naked people would wear sandals, hats or jewelry and other accessories, a few others would be wearing absolutely nothing they weren't born with and think nothing of this since it's always just been how they lived. I would make it a point to be one of the people not wearing a single thing, and would live like this 24/7.

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RE:A naked society

I have this fantasy where I would somehow end up in another dimension where humans don't wear many clothes. It would be a large city in a warm, tropical forested area. A great majority of people would be naked, but it would technically be a clothing optional society, as the most that some men and women would wear would be a small loin cloth.Naturally as I began living in this society I would lose all of my clothes and go naked like most everyone else. Most of the naked people would wear sandals, hats or jewelry and other accessories, a few others would be wearing absolutely nothing they weren't born with and think nothing of this since it's always just been how they lived. I would make it a point to be one of the people not wearing a single thing, and would live like this 24/7.

Wow. I would love to be part of this society.

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RE:A naked society

If you're going to make this off in another dimension, why not make it an entire planet where everyone is nude? Why limit it to just one city? The way I see it, if you're going to dream, dream BIG. Perhaps the only ones wearing clothes would be the ones being punished for some sort of legal infraction they committed. The worse the infraction, the more they were required to wear. The worst offenses would have someone banished to the coldest area of the planet where they would have to wear clothes all the time, even indoors, as they would not be allowed much of a heat source.

Other than that, the rest of the planet's population would be free to live their lives totally nude everywhere they wanted to be. Maybe the planet could be named Utopia.

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RE:A naked society

Good point! It could be a planet, maybe a whole planet with a warm jungle environment. Don't really know what it would be called yet though. The name "Utopia" is as old as time itself. It also, in my experience, feels connected with dystopian societies, because dystopian societies always seem to try to set themselves up as utopias.

We all have our ideas about how a "perfect nude world" would look and would work. In mine, clothing would exist, but only in the form of tiny loincloths that a minority of the population would wear. The weather would be so warm that there wouldn't be much of a desire to wear much more. Everyone would be naked from the waist up. The reason for the loin clothes is to show that in this society people still have a personal choice as to whether they would like to be covered or not. They are still allowed that form of self-expression. Even though, I'm sure, most people would still choose to be naked, as I believe people would in our own society if it were entirely free of hangups. In fact, I imagine many of the people who wear loin clothes would probably go naked on certain days as well, depending on their mood. As I see it, there are three forms of dress/nudity inherent in this society:

1. Just loin clothes, with or without accessories (such as jewelry, hats etc.) and shoes/sandals.
2. Naked with accessories and/or sandals. This would be the majority of the population since they can be naked but still express themselves with accessories as well.
3. Totally naked, meaning nothing you were not born with. Many people would go totally naked for reasons such as practicality/comfort, because they've just always been this way and never thought about it, or because they feel it is the best way to connect with nature. Fortunately, being barefoot in this society would be much safer than ours, as the streets would be kept very clean.

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RE:A naked society

Count me in! I would definitely fit into group #3. I would not add anything to my natural body - no jewelry, piercings, ink, footwear - just me! The only exception would be any protective items for any task I might do for work or play that could risk damaging any of my skin.

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RE:A naked society

Besides sandals, hats and so on I wear my sunglasses and my wrest clock :-) !!! And my flip flops against too hot grounds or to protect possible injuries on some ways or streets. Never hats or other accessoires. So I feel me like Adam in paradise.........or the king of Jamaica :-) :-) !!!

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RE:A naked society

One of my books takes place in a parallel universe, and they ARE naked 24/7. It's available in Kindle format,


or paperback


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RE:A naked society

There actually are naked societies - or places where nudity is allowed on the streets 24/7. European examples are Cap d'Agde in France, Vera Playa in Spain and Charco del Palo in the Canaries. No doubt there are others elsewhere. I've been to all three of the places named above and enjoyed 24/7 nudity. What did I wear? Sunglasses, a sun hat and sandals, all for my own protection against sun and heat. I did add body jewellery from time to time. That is what I would wear if nudity was accepted universally. Maybe I'd add something to keep me warm when it is cold.

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RE:A naked society

Jest be nice to make nudity legal. Naked cities would be nice not that all would be naked but optional. Have seen YouTube where a beach or park by water where the people do where swim wear but if you want to go nude you can and I like that as well. Jest the freedom to be nude. Nothing sexual.

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RE:A naked society

There actually are naked societies - or places where nudity is allowed on the streets 24/7. European examples are Cap d'Agde in France, Vera Playa in Spain and Charco del Palo in the Canaries. No doubt there are others elsewhere. I've been to all three of the places named above and enjoyed 24/7 nudity. What did I wear? Sunglasses, a sun hat and sandals, all for my own protection against sun and heat. .

What surprised me in those places (and in nudist resorts) most of the nudists actually chose to wear clothes in the evenings. I've often found that my friend and I are the only ones naked at times. I feel that would happen in your ideal world too.

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RE:A naked society

What surprised me in those places (and in nudist resorts) most of the nudists actually chose to wear clothes in the evenings. I've often found that my friend and I are the only ones naked at times. I feel that would happen in your ideal world too.

How odd. I know some dress for dinner, but I even find that odd in a nudist resort.

The law isn't the problem though, it's social acceptance. Even if it was legal, I would not be naked at work because the company would not accept it, and my workmates would be uncomfortable. I would however be naked much more than now, and would not worry about being seen in city traffic.

It is a bit chicken and egg though. The more nudism there is, and the common it became, the accepted it would become. As it became more acceptable, there would be more people going naked.

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