This or That: Cake or Pie?

Definitely Pie! My late wife and I called each other PIE which stood for Precious In Everything. I was Pie 1, she was Pie 2 and our pool sweep was Pie3!

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RE:This or That: Cake or Pie?

Both are delicious! When we are having afternoon tea/coffee at my or his parents there is almost always both cake and pie to choose from. It depends on what kind of cake or pie, what ingredients. And if it is homemade or from the bakery. My choise goes to what has chocolate on it or in it. If both cake and pie have chocolate on/in it I have a problem (and have to judge by what looks delicious the most) ^_^

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RE:This or That: Cake or Pie?

Cake! Preferable carrot!!!

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RE:This or That: Cake or Pie?

Love both but for me... nothing beats a 3 layer devils food chocolate cake with chocolate fudge frosting... and a hot cup of coffee!

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RE:This or That: Cake or Pie?

Love both but for me... nothing beats a 3 layer devils food chocolate cake with chocolate fudge frosting... and a hot cup of coffee!

3 layer devils food chocolate cake with chocolate fudge frosting... Om nom nom ^_^

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RE:This or That: Cake or Pie?

Oh, yeah!!!! Chocolate cake, chocolate icing with chocolate ice cream and chocolate chips!!!!!! Other than that cake I am a pie guy, all the way! Cherry cobbler or peach or apple, dang gotta go talk wifey into baking 2 days in a row!

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