But do you like it?

So, you're living alone.

But, do you like it?

When my wife died, I hated being single. I wasn't living alone; I had five children. But hated being single. Could not imagine the horror of living alone.Got remarried. Biggest mistake of my life. Single again and very happily so. Truly wish I could have been happily single when my wife died. Would have saved me a ton of additional heartache and money. My second wife loved to spend money. Glad she's gone; glad I'm single.

So, you're single or you wouldn't be part of this group. How do you like it? Are you glad you're single?

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RE:But do you like it?

Either through choice or circumstances this group is for nudists who live alone.

I am a single by circumstances. I would like to live with my wife what I can't do anymore. No, I don't like to be a single, But I don't want to live with anybody else neither.

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RE:But do you like it?

I definitely understand no liking being alone. When my wife died, I had friends who had never been married and who where perfectly content with being single and living alone. I wanted to be like that, but that's not where I was at the time.

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RE:But do you like it?

At first I didn't like it but my life was filled with raising kids and once they left home it was just a big empty house. It's still a big empty house but I have filled it with memories for me, the things I like and it is completely home. I could never have imagined living alone by choice but I no longer even consider bringing anyone else in. Tried roommates, not a fan.
I am not open to casual female companionship and am not in a frantic search for a new spouse...first one left in '97 and I have built a life my way with my values and am doing things my way, things I would never have dreamed of years ago. In the event that I ever considered a roommate again rule one would have to be a nudist. I am a full time home nudist, a relatively recent social nudist and I am not ever going back to living a compulsive textile life...not ever happeningas long as I am able to be making those decisions for myself.

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RE:But do you like it?

I'm recently single and I'm enjoying being single. Not necessarily for the fact of being alone but because I am able to arrange the house the way I like and I plan to start hosting naked gatherings at my place. I know my ex would have liked to do that too but being single I will be able to invite whoever I want to invite and not have to worry about what he would say or think.

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