
Just wanted to say, Hello. Would like to know where everybody is from? I am in Blacksburg. Also what nudist places are in your area. There isn't anything around here, closest is 3 hrs away. Also would like to share any idea's on how to get more members, and also on helping the ladies enjoy nudism.
Type at you soon

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RE: Hello

Hey Gang
I'm in Chesapeake VA, the closest resort is White Tail Reort. There have been several meet up groups that start, but don't last that long.
But we'll keep trying.

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Virginia Beach

I am in Virginia Beach and have been a member of White Tail Resort for two years (almost since my first visit). I encourage people to visit this place. They are open all year long and have indoor facilities. During the off season they have a once a month pizza night that serves the best pizza I have ever had...When somebody told me that I did not believe them until I tried it! It is about an hour from here and WELL worth the trip. Contact me if you have any questions about White Tail.

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RE: Hello

Hi, A bit north of you, near Washington DC

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Petersburg area here, i enjoy going to White Tail, avalon and Ocracoke.

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