Your Freedom: Nick Clegg calls on public to help repeal bad laws (UK nudists)

h2Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has announced the Your Freedom initiative intended to give members
of the public the right to nominate unpopular laws they want scrapped.

Rules in society create good law and order. But too many nannying, unnecessary rules restrict freedom and make criminals out of ordinary people.

We need to root through the laws of our land, identify anything which looks unnecessary, pointless, or just downright daft, and ask are these necessary? And we need your help.
Nick Clegg

Well now - this looks interesting. If you are a UK nudist pop along and add your voice to the debate - you might not get another chance.

Love n stuff
Rudie x

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RE: Your Freedom: Nick Clegg calls on public to help repeal bad laws (UK nudists)

went and just had to add a comment lol xx

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RE: Your Freedom: Nick Clegg calls on public to help repeal bad laws (UK nudists)

I certainly support this. We're going to need masses of support though! I have a suspicion that Clegg may regret this offer as there are so many questionable laws or laws that people would like to question that he will get totally inundated with suggestions and campaigns. Whilst there is a mechanism for repealing or amending laws which does not require full parliamentary discussion I don't think its flexible enough to deal with what Clegg has unleashed! So: to change laws on Naturism we really need to push it- and in large numbers!

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RE: Your Freedom: Nick Clegg calls on public to help repeal bad laws (UK nudists)

Here in the states, we don't repeal anything. We simply have judges that rule that black is white, and white is black, and colors are unconstitutional.
Nobody seems to know "the law" anymore, but the lawyers get paid, and paid, and paid.

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RE: Your Freedom: Nick Clegg calls on public to help repeal bad laws (UK nudists)

sounds like a politician with some intelligence something we american have a lack of, the real reason for all these laws is $$$$$$$ and power, i hope they follow through in the uk but wouldn't give the usa much promise to follow with that idea.

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RE: Your Freedom: Nick Clegg calls on public to help repeal bad laws (UK nudists)

Well, despite the pessimism of one or two Americans here, we Brits are currently in a politically interesting time. There has never been a British election like the recent one and the coalition dynamic of Liberals holding the balance creates an environment of possibilities that has not been seen before. The voting actions of the electorate seriously shook both main parties who thought they had a nice little two party thing going. The Blair/Brown administration pushed things just a little too far and Brits tend to be quite forgiving, right up to the point when they are not. The imposition by New Labour of more restrictive pieces of legislation during their term of office than any previous TWO administrations finally crossed the line of no forgiveness. Couple that with the recent expenses scandal that hit both main parties and the field opened up bringing a version of the three party system into play.

Self interest will never leave politics it would be unrealistic to expect it to, however, right now politicians are falling over themselves to convince the electorate that the UK is not becoming a totalitarian state. Whether or not we manage to effect a change in the laws regarding public nudity is not the issue what is important is that we at least TRY and do not allow ourselves to be swayed by defeatist talk. I urge every UK nudist/naturist to make themselves heard.

Love n stuff
Rudie x

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RE: Your Freedom: Nick Clegg calls on public to help repeal bad laws (UK nudists)

Hmm, he has opened up a can of worms there. The problem is that there are so many irlelevant laws in existance, for instance I read not long ago that it is still legal to kill a Scotsman if you see him between certain hours outside the city walls of a northern town (York I think, but I'm not sure about that). That particular piece of legislation must date back to when there were battles going on between the Scots and English.
I agree with the previous poster though about the poor interpretation of the law in Britain. I am also a keen photographer and have read on a photography forum about Police trying to stop people taking photos using the terrorism laws as an excuse. Which is total rubbish.

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