Doesn't matter

It doesn't bother me in the least if guys come in commando for their exams. I actually like it

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RE: Doesn't matter

I'll be going for my annual physical in a couple weeks. I will be naked under my shorts. Shorts, tshirt, sandals. Nothing else!

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RE: Doesn't matter

My feelings exactly, there is just no way. Yesterday I had to have
aultrasound on mygroin and thigh by sfemale, she asked
me to remove my shorts if I did not mind so it would be easier. So
I took them off and I was freeballing as usual and she just said
that it would make it a lot easier on her if everyone was willing
to bare it all that the machine did not do well sometimes under the
clothing and it makes it much easier when your nude and also
get better results. She was telling me that most did not want to
even take off their pants..

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RE: Doesn't matter

As a physician, I have seen so much "modesty". Little kids just crying an fussing and screaming because I need to see or examine their "private" parts. Yet we have so much unwanted pregnancies and STD's. There is something wrong in our society. It is not working! Maybe we should be more open and ditch the "modesty" thing. It is so artificial and degrading. God didn't make any bad parts of me. Perhaps I could use them for evil. But, He did not create them evil. My body is totally good. I have preached this in the examination room for years and years.

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RE: Doesn't matter

As a physician, I have seen so much "modesty".Little kids just crying an fussing and screaming because I need tosee or examine their "private" parts. Yet we have so muchunwanted pregnancies and STD's. There is something wrong inour society. It is not working! Maybe we should be moreopen and ditch the "modesty" thing. It is so artificial anddegrading. God didn't make any bad parts of me. PerhapsI could use them for evil. But, He did not create themevil. My body is totally good. I have preached this inthe examination room for years and years.
It is my opinion that the "modesty" which you refer to is
responsible for much or the STD and unwanted pregnancy
problem. Published figures for western countries show that the rates
for both of these are much lower in the countries with a more
relaxed approach to nudity.
These countries also tend to have a significantly later age of
first sexual intercourse.

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RE: Doesn't matter

I doubt that you even have to take off your shirt, little lone your pants, They don't care about you all they want is to get in get out and get your money.

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RE: Doesn't matter

Always had a male dermatologist till 3 years ago and he knew I was a nudist and, as such, always gave me a total exam without the silly paper robe. Then 3 years ago he retired and a lady took over his practice. On the first visit with her I explained about my nudist lifestyle and my view on the silly robe and that I wanted a total body checkup. Like so many other comments on this site she said she had absolutely no problem with that, in fact she said she wished all her patients had my attitude as it would make her job much easier. She told me that you have no idea how hard it is to get some people to undress and they will absolutely not take off their underwear, and the younger they are the less willing they are to disrobe.

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RE: Doesn't matter

As a physician, I have seen so much "modesty". Little kids just crying an fussing and screaming because I need to see or examine their "private" parts. Yet we have so much unwanted pregnancies and STD's. There is something wrong in our society. It is not working! Maybe we should be more open and ditch the "modesty" thing. It is so artificial and degrading. God didn't make any bad parts of me. Perhaps I could use them for evil. But, He did not create them evil. My body is totally good. I have preached this in the examination room for years and years.

Oh yeah. Thanks so much doc for that viewpoint. You are spot on with *every* word!

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RE: Doesn't matter

Well maybe you can tell me why it is now when you go for a complete physical you don't even have to take off your shirt, much less your pants. I had to have physicals every two years at my work and every single one I had to completely strip, and no they usually did not give you one of those stupid gowns.

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RE: Doesn't matter

Well maybe you can tell me why it is now when you go for a complete physical you don't even have to take off your shirt, much less your pants. I had to have physicals every two years at my work and every single one I had to completely strip, and no they usually did not give you one of those stupid gowns.I don't know where you go for your Physical but my Doctor always has me stripe down to underwear of course I never wear them.

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RE: Doesn't matter

bare Lee, I am going to the hospital in the morning to have a bypass in my leg, I will be wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and flip flops be in about 4 days, they say, as for your physical, if it is anything there like it is around here they will never know, you don't take anything off anymore, I don't even feel like I had a physical when they finish

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