RE: Bearman234

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RE: Bearman234

I this is bearman234, it looks like I made a mistake everybody I was answering everybody's hello individualy I'm new to this web site and it takes some getting used

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RE: Bearman234

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RE: Bearman234

This is bearman234, it looks like I made a mistake everybody I was answering everybody's hello individualy I'm new to this web site and it takes some getting used
Not to worry David. We all made mistakes in the beginning and I still manage to make some now. Your intent was good and no-one will be upset. Glad to see you are posting.

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RE: Bearman234

Hello to CheriDonna from Tennessee, this is David from Washington State thank you for welcoming me to true nudists, how's the weather in Tennessee right now it's really bad weather out here, it was great weather a couple days ago in the nineties, I was planning to go to the nudest park up at Issaquah but it's raining today may be I'll still get up there on Thursday I can't wait.

David, TN = True Nudists. I'm in South Carolina. :) Weather is great for nuding here most ot the year in the Midlands of SC. You can call me Cheri, less typing. Cheri is my first name, Donna is my middle.

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RE: Bearman234

Bumpt re multiple posting.

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