Subscription payments

I'm having great difficulty paying my subscription which expired today.

Not living in the US, I can't pay by cheque so last year I set up an Alert Pay account. Using that account I could pay my American Express, (I had to use a friend's card and pay him back). I tried to renew today and the renewal page says Use your Credit card - but only Visa and I don't have Visa. I logged in to my Alert Pay account where I can register Visa, MasterCard and Amex, so I registered my MasterCard. I went back to the TN subscription renewal page where the Alert Pay frame now says, Use your MasterCard, so I did. Went through the whole rigmarole of filling in amouts etc. Hit the Submit button only to get the message the True Nudists does not accept MasterCard payments.
I thought the whole point of Alert Pay was that it acted as an intermediary between me and my card and TN's account? So I'm sitting here now with an Alert Pay account I didn't really want and I still can't pay my subscription. I've paid for things online by PayPal in the past. They take the money from my nominated card and send it where it needs to go. Why can't Alert Pay do that?
I'm going off to lie down in a darkened room for a while. If anyone has any suggestions of a work-around, other than find a friend with a Visa card, I'd love to hear it.

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