Missing groups

I've noticed a couple of the groups I had belonged to (sports groups) are missing. Has anyone else noticed this? Did the groupmoderators delete them or is this part of a periodic cleaning by the site owner (I've been on TN less than a year)? Not upset or anything, just a wee bit curious.

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RE: Missing groups

I do know that TT1 has deleted some duplicate groups. Whatever group is missing, join another group with the same purpose.

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RE: Missing groups

You must have missed TT's announcement, you can find it here.

Truenudists Clean up effort, Discussing concerns. Please Read.

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RE: Missing groups

Catbird and Phil, thanks. Thought it might have been part of a clean up, butnot sure.
Phil - I skimmed thorugh TT's post, should have read it more closely (then again, I have heavier issues on my mind these days - long story).
Regards Gents,

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