Looking for a open gay/bisexual/trans nudist room/roommate

My name is Ms Eddie, I am a 47 y/o Native American Bisexual Feminine Male (Two Spirit).
I am a natural nudist, I sleep naked, I walk around naked, I have no shame.
Anyway,I'm looking for a room to rent,or even a roommate in San Francisco, my income is very limited, I live off my disability benefits (SSI)
I can afford to pay at least 550.00/mo for my portion.
I am openly flamboyant, respectful, honest, trustworthy, responsible person. I'm not a packrat, I'm a trained survivalist only have with me what I need to survive.
If you think I may be a good fit for you, please get back to me as soon as possible on my Email at mseddiespottedfeather@gmail.com

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RE:Looking for a open gay/bisexual/trans nudist room/roommate

I can't message you because we aren't friends on true nudists, but if the job I hope to get works out, I will be looking for housing in the same area, and having a roommate prearranged might help.

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