New games

Here is one based on a game called Crap. Normally the game is played for cheap prizes. Here it is played for clothes. It is in 2 parts:

Part 1: each player throws a dice to decide how many clothes they start with. They can wear the number thrown plus two ( throw a 4 and they can wear six garments). A pair of shoes counts as one garment as does a pair of socks. Watches and jewellery don't count.

Part 2 - the real game: Throw a 6 and you can steel a garment from another player. Throw a 5 and you can make two players swap clothes (1 garment each). Throw a 1 and you must give a garment away. The thrower decides who and what garment but can not choose an under garment if there is something covering it. if a garment moves three times it stays with whoever last got it. This can be quite competitive and players can gang up on an unfortunate participant. When played in mixed company men can be left with women's clothing and vice versa. Almost certainly the clothes won't fit. Anyhow the winner is not allowed put on the newly acquired piece of clothing.

The game ends after a time limit set after at least half the players are naked. Afterwards players can decide whether to trade back their own clothes or (if adventurous) to go home in those newly acquired. Some may not have any to trade and will remain naked on the way home.

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RE:New games

Left, Center, Right. This game is normally played for tokens of money with special dice in which three sides are neutral. With normal dice count a 2 as left, a 4 as right and a 6 as central. Odd numbers are neutral.

The players take turns to throw 3 dice. For each 2 they throw they must remove a garment and pass it to the player on the left (throw two 2's and pass two garments to the left etc.). For each 4 they pass one to the right. For each 6 they put one in a pile in the middle. A player only throws 2 dice if they only have 2 garments left, one dice if they are down to one garment. If they have no garments they just pass the dice on to the next player but they stay in the game. When a player receives a garment from another player they can decide weather to put it on. (The garment counts as theirs whether they are wearing it or not.)

Garments will pass round the circle from left to right or right to left but inevitably a proportion will move to the pile in the middle and players will soon be naked. Play continues until only one player has any garments. He/she wins all those in the pile in the middle. Of course he/she will have won their own clothing back along with everyone else's. They could decide to insist that all the other players remain naked while only they get dressed. But I guess the other players will gang up on the winner. Or they can agree to do a forfeit to regain their clothing before going home.

During the game numbers 1, 3 and 5 are neutral and require no action. The game can be speeded up by counting each one as being the same as the number above (throw 1 or 2 and pass to the left, throw 3 or 4 and pass to the right, throw 5 or 6 and put a garment on the pile).

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