Basic yoga sequence for your home practice

I have heard many people here say I cant get to naked yoga class or there is none near me. If you are valuing your yoga and cant get to a class here's a sequence of poses based on yoga sun salutations you can do at home. Lose your clothes roll out your mat and get to yoga.

Try doing this sequence three times in a row and then addon on as you feel fit. It is a whole body sequence suitable for all fitness levels ages and shapes. Take two full breath in each pose to start then progress to one. Be sure to get your doctors's permsion before starting any exercise program. This program provided as educational purposes only - use at your own risk

Sun salutations modified
Mountain pose (feet hip distance apart haby your side
Extended mountain (reach your arms overhead )
Forward fold (bend at hips and bring both hands to the floor - bend your knees as needed )
Half forward fold (lift up halfway with hands on your shins)
Runners Lunge (take one foot back keep heel lifted )
Child pose (step other foot back lower to your knees and sit you hips back to your heels) stay here 3-5 breaths
Runners lunge ( take the same foot as before forward to your hands)
Half forward fold
Forward fold
Extended mountain
Mountain pose

Repeat and bring the opposite foot back for the lunge. Do this this 3-5 for a simple practice when you dont have much time or as warmup for a longer practice

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